Hi, I'm Peter a freelance
ISO Expert
based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
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About Me
Know Me More
Hi, I'm Peter Mijnster
I'm an experienced consultant in the field of ISO compliance and data protection providing guidance on how to implement the international standards for quality (9001) and information security (27001), as well as on how to abide to local laws and regulations like GDPR.
I enjoy developing an easy to use management system that provides real value for your organization. I'm proud to say all clients I've helped with developing their management system have become and still remain certified.
Based on my technical IT background and over 20 years of experience in various roles I am well able to provide operational and tactical advise on complex data protection and information security questions.
Having worked with multiple healtcare companies I can help you meet the "Nederlandse Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd" (IGJ) NEN 7510 certification deadline set for end of 2023.
Years of Experience
Peter Mijnster
Date of birth:
4 December, 1982
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
What I Do?
How I can help your organization
I like to help you along
From planning to implementation
Interim Services
Hire me as an interim CISO or DPO
A summary of my skills
My Skills
ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management95%
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 - Information Security95%
GDPR - Data Protection and Privacy85%
Awareness Sessions and Training80%
Information Security Audits90%
Management and IT Governance90%
Interested in working with me?
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Have any questions?
I created OneTribe to meet the certification needs of start-ups and small businesses. I want to make certification accessible to every entrepeneur.
I firmly believe in the added value of using a management system within an organization. Such a system can be used for controlled growth, during tenders, and as a show-and-tell for investors.
Yes, developing a comrehensive and easy to use management system is one of the main services I provide.
Developing a management system is a joint-effort where the exertise and commitment of company leaders as well as the willingness to share company processes (under NDA) are required.
Yes, I can help your organization on the way to certification and provide continued support for remaining certified.
The actual certification process will be done by an accredited certification body. I will ensure your organization is 100% ready for certification and deal with the external auditors and the certification body during the certification process.

Let's get in touch
I enjoy discussing new projects and challenges. Please share as much info as possible so we can get the most out of our first catch-up.
Living In:
Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.E-mail: